Our Best 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Dharma yoga Bangalore is designed to equip all the students with the Classical Yogic Wisdom which would propel them towards their Yogic Journey. Whether you want to be a Yoga Teacher, or imbibe Yogic Practices for a healthy body and mind This comprehensive 200 Hour Teacher Training course is taught by a team of spiritual gurus with many years of practice in their respective fields. After completing the course successfully you will be able to teach Ashtanga Yoga or Hatha Yoga depending on the course which you have enrolled. Certification provided by Dharma yoga at the end of the course is approved by vyasa university & Yoga Alliance.

Two hours of intensive asanas practice along with two more hours of adjustments & teaching sessions every day provides students an opportunity to enhance their understanding of asanas and teaching skills.

It is an intense experience that helps to develop a firm foundation of inner discipline. The eligibility for this course is a sincere desire to learn and discipline to attend all the classes. 6 months of recent yoga practice in ashtanga or hatha yoga is a must.

  • Able to practice and teach Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series asanas
  • Able to align and adjust all the asanas of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series asana
  • Able to practice and teach passive and active Pranayama or Breathing Techniques.
  • Complete knowledge of all the Asanas of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series.
  • Able to treat health issues using Asana, Pranayama.
  • Ayurveda class helps to understand their Dosha and its basic concept.
  • Understand Anatomy and Physiology of the systems of human body.
  • Improvements in concentration, flexibility, confidence, mental and physical balance.
  • As it is a practical concerned course, students will be able to practice and teach the asanas of ashtanga vinyasa yoga primary series, which are mentioned below. apart from this some advance asanas will as be taught.
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Surya Namaskara A and B
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Standing Asanas- Padangustasana, Padahastasana, Utthita Trikonasana, Parivrutta Trikonasana, Utthita Parshvakonasana, Parivrutta Parshvakonasana, Prasaritapadottanasna ABCD, Prashvotanasna, Utthita Hasta Padangustasana ABCD, Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, Uttkatasana and Vira Badhrasana.
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary Series Asana - Dandasana, Pashimottanasana ABCD, Purvottanasana, Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana, Trianga mukaikapada Paschimottanasana, Janu Sirsasana ABC, Marichyasana ABCD, Navasana, Lolasana, Bhujapidasana AB, Tittibhasana, Bakasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana, Garbha Pindasana, Kukutasana, Badha Konasana ABC, Upavista Konasana, Urdhva Upavista Konasana, Supta Konasana AB, Supta Padangustasana ABC, Ubhaya Padangustasana AB, Urdhva Mukha, Paschimottanasana AB and Setu Bandhasana.
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Finishing Asana - Urdhva Dhanurasana, Paschimottanasana Shavasana, Salamba Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karnapidasana, Urdhva Padmasana, Pindasana, Matsyasana, Uttana Padasana, Sirsasana, Urdhva Dandasana, Balasana, Baddha Padmasana, Yoga Mudra, Padmasana, Utplutti and Shavasana

What is Ashtanga Yoga & What Will You Learn?

Ashtanga Vinyasa is one of the systems of Hatha yoga that synchronises breath and movement in a flowing sequence of asana. Each asana has a unique number of movements into and out of it (which are also called vinyasa). When practiced regularly, Ashtanga Vinyasa can help to develop strength, flexibility, stamina and to cultivate an all – round feeling of well being and focused mind.

This method was develop in Mysore by Sri K. Patthabi Jois who learned it from his guru, Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Initially this style of yoga was designed as a training for the soldiers at the army of the Maharaja of Mysore and its name. Only in the mid 60’s Patthabi Jois started to teach western students in Mysore; he then made several trips worldwide at the invitation of his students to propagate this form of yoga.

In Ashtanga Yoga the set sequence of postures is repeated each time we practice, so that the sequence becomes familiar, and in doing so we develop a self practice.

When practiced mindfully and in a way that supports each individual person, this system of yoga can be very therapeutic.

The fundamental practices of Ashtanga Yoga are: the Tristana method (asana/ujjayi breath/drishti), Vinyasa (syncronized breath and movement) and bandhas (energetic lock or holds).

In your Ashtanga TTC you will learn the intermediate series set of asana and you will be practicing it both in led class and in Mysore style, so that you will get stronger day after day and you will memorize the sequence. Both styles of classes will happen under the attentive guide of your asana teacher.

In your art of teaching classes you will go through all the postures of the intermediate series and how to modify and adjust according to the different anatomies of people.

In the philosophy class you will go in depth in the learning of the Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbs of Raja Yoga) as explained by the great sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.